Glocal 2.0 – The day after

May 12, 2008

The conference is over, as you can see we were not able to update this blog very often during the sessions. But it is always good when others do. Some numbers that explain the conference and links to some of resources.

21 presentations were made at the New York University Skopje
2 of planned presentations were not held held all
1 planned presentation was played as video in its session: Is there Educational Blogging in Romania – Gabriela Grosseck & Carmen Holotescu
1 presentation was sent to late but it is still available online: Community Building through CMC in Iranian University e-Forums – Hamid Dolatabadi
1 not announced presentation, on our great pleasure, was played in the opening session: Distributed acts of journalism and journalistic acts of distribution – Paul Bradshaw
13 presentations were by Macedonians

1 Yahoo Pipe was created: tracking glocal conference

131 photos with glocal20 tag were are published on flickr, so far

60+ messages were send through twitter

30+ participants were present at each of the seasons, with the average ranging between 35 and 40

8 of the presentations (without the videos) are already online  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

The numbers don’t say much, on events like this the networking is the most important part. And for sure there was a lot of networking. Thanks to all participants and guests and to all who made this event interesting and successfull.

The Glocal 2.0 does not finish here. We will put online audio and video clips from the conference and a publication with all the papers is planned as well. So stay tuned :).